Can You Get into College with a GED

The students often have one fear – they fear that their applications to the college or university will not be considered if they have the General Educational Development. We have good news for these students – times have changed for the better! If the applicants do not have the diploma of high school and come with General Educational Development, they will have equal rights for admission like those with the high school diploma. If you do not believe us, look at the statistics – over 95% of educational establishments say “yes” to applicants with General Educational Development. So even with the General Educational Development, you have a chance to enter the university, get educated, and make a good career.  

So, let’s find out what is General Educational Development (or short for GED). It is considered a compliance test in high school accepted by over 90 percent in the United States. The exam consists of four subjects – science, mathematics, language, and social studies. 

Who are the students with General Educational Development? They are regarded as those who have hot passed the courses for getting a high school diploma. Today a significant part of American high educational establishments enrolls students with General Educational Development. 

General Education Development and admission to the university

Every student who has a certificate of General Educational Development is afraid of the fact that he has no chance to enter the university compared to the applicant with the diploma of high school. 

For such a student, the educational establishments worldwide have started to open their doors. Today, there is a significant part of universities and colleges that enroll students with only General Educational Development. It means that the applicants with a diploma of high school and those with a General Educational Development certificate are equal in entering the universities. The other great news is that the number of educational establishments that do not enroll such students decreases every day. 

There are many applicants with a certificate of General Educational Development that do not know what they need to do to enter the high educational establishment. For such applicants we have prepared several recommendations that we hope will be very useful:

  • Be a volunteer in some organizations and communities. Here, you will get a great experience, plus the recommendation letter for the university you want to enter.
  • Also, you can get a job in some organization or employer. Besides getting skills and experience, the employer can give you a certificate of experience that will make you stand out from the crowd of other applicants. 
  • Use the possibility of passing the admission test (like ACT) and demonstrate a high level of knowledge. 
  • The other great tool that can be very helpful in university admission is the recommendation letter. Your previous educational establishments can give such a letter. That is why if you want to have great chances of entering high educational establishments, you should work hard to get a good recommendation letter. 
  • We also recommend applying to several universities and colleges and choosing several courses. We do not offer to bet only on one educational establishment. 
  • In case you have good marks on the subjects, and if you can give the admission committee your certificate of General Educational Development, bravely give it to them. It will definitely bring several positive scores to your university application. 
  • If you already have some achievements, do not forget to share them with the admission committee. 

General Educational Development and its impact on the enrolling process

Besides the certificate of General Educational Development, there are several things that the applicants need to include in their university or college application – recommendation letters, essays, information about their achievements, plus other things required by the educational establishments. Besides, the applicants need to pass the admission tests.  

What universities and colleges do enroll students with General Educational Development? 

Even though there are many educational establishments that enroll applicants with a certificate of General Educational Development, it is always good to know these educational establishments. If we look at this list, we will see that, in general, the colleges that enroll students with General Educational Development are technical and community. For the most part, the educational establishments with 4-year programs recognize the application’s total strength. But reputable universities and colleges will always require good points of General Educational Development certificate.

So, what educational establishments do enroll applicants with General Educational Development? They are – California University, State University of Minnesota, Alabama University in Huntsville, State University of Illinois, State University of Arkansas, South Florida University, State University of North Dakota, etc. 

There is one more question that worries the applicants with a certificate of General Educational Development – what career they can make. So, if you belong to a group of people who have faith in practical experience and studying strength, in this case, you should opt for a professional career, and the bachelor’s degree here will not be enough. We recommend you pass the online courses that are available for everyone. Believe us; they can be very helpful. 

What profession can the students with General Educational Development choose? There is a long list of such professions, and we will name just a few of them – accountancy, office administration and computers, clerk of data entry, etc. So, the list is long to select from, and now the choice is yours. 

Some words to sum up

Now let’s summarize everything we have discussed here. Firstly, today the applicants with only General Educational Development do not have to worry anymore since there are a lot of universities and colleges worldwide that enroll such students (we have named several such universities above). Like applicants with a diploma from high school, they have equal rights to enter the educational establishment and get the degree. Secondly, the students with only a General Educational Development can make a good career and reach great professional heights (we have also named the variants of the professions). So, leave all your doubts behind and go for it! 

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