How to List Teaching Certification on Resume

If you’re a certified teacher, you likely want to list your teaching certification on your resume. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when including this information. Here are some tips for listing your teaching certification on your resume.

Does Teaching Certification Matter?

Teachers are extremely important to society, so it’s no surprise that they are held to high standards. State boards of education and school districts require teachers to meet strict criteria, and principals and school administrators carefully screen resumes when hiring new teachers.

Thus, let`s start with the situation when the employer requested your resume and certifications. This is why anyone would want to learn how to add teacher certification to their resume. School management that requires applicants to possess a certain credential will not accept any resume that does not include it. So, if your potential employer has requested a skill you possess, it’s in your best interests to list it on your CV.

Showing your experience or extra skills is also a nice reason for learning how to list teaching certification on the resume. For example, you might have a certification in teaching English as a second language. This would be an important asset to any school with a large number of ESL students.

There are many different types of the teaching certification, so it’s important to be specific when listing them on your resume. For example, if you have a certification in early childhood development, you should list that specifically. If you’re not sure which type of certification is most relevant to the position you’re applying for, you can always consult with a career counselor or human resources professional.

How to List Teaching Certification on Resume?

So, now the most interesting part – where to put the certification on a resume. The process of adding this information is not complicated, but there are still some recommendations that will help you do it correctly.

The first and most important rule is, to be honest. Do not try to embellish your skills or knowledge – this will only harm you in the long run. Be specific about the type of certification you have and the year you received it. If you have more than one teaching certification, you can list them all on your resume.

Another important tip is to include your teaching certification in the “Education” section of your resume. This is the most common place to list credentials, and it will ensure that your employer can easily find this information. You can also include your certification in the “Skills” or “Professional Development” section of your resume.

Finally, don’t forget to list the organizations that granted you your teaching certification. This will show potential employers that your credentials are legitimate and that you’re a well-qualified candidate.

How Do You Put a Certified Teacher On a Resume?

You should start by adding the title and issuing the organization name. Then, indicate the level of the certification. If there are any specializations, add them too. The date when you received the credential is the next thing to include. Finally, don’t forget to list the state where you’re certified to teach.

Mentioning when you were first awarded a certification is important for several reasons. It allows your prospective employer to determine how long you have been certified, which can be helpful during the credential validation process. If there is a need to renew the certification, including the most recent renewal date will make it easier for the issuing organization to find your data.

You may improve the appearance of your resume by including credentials-related skills. If you don’t have enough room in your document, though, do not include this information. Your potential employer will have a better understanding of what your certificate represents if you list your relevant abilities.

Can You Put Certifications Under Skills On Resume?

Include your technical certifications under the Skills section near the top of your resume. Many jobs making requiring these types of skills, so by highlighting them, you increase your chances of getting recruiters’ attention. We recommend placing any technical certifications you have below your resume summary and above job experience so that it is one of the first things a recruiter sees. In such a way, you demonstrate that you have the qualifications required for the job from the get-go.

If you want, you can also create a separate section for your certifications, or even make them a part of your Education section. Just remember to be consistent with the organization of information in your resume so that recruiters can easily find what they are looking for.

How Do You Show Certifications In Progress On a Resume?

You may also include certificates you’re currently working on by adding “In Progress” next to the name of the certification and including the date it will be completed: name of the certification (in progress), name of the organization that will award it, and the prospective completion date.

This is a great way to show that you are actively working to improve your skills and knowledge. It will also demonstrate your commitment to professional development, which is an important quality in any employee.

Examples And Recommendations

Here are some examples of how to include your certificate in your document if you have already been awarded it.

Education Certificates

  • Certificate in Education, University of XYZ, 2018
  • Master’s Certificate in Education, XYZ State University, 2020

Relevant skills:

  • Organizational skills
  • Communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Time management skills

Education Certificates in progress

  • Health teacher, expected date: December 2022
  • In Progress: Online Teaching Certification, expected date: June 2021
  • In Progress: Certificate in Education Technology, expected date: May 2021

Relevant skills:

  • Research skills
  • Writing skills
  • Editing skills
  • Critical thinking skills

As you can see, there are many ways to list your teaching certification on your resume. Choose the option that makes the most sense for you and your experience level. And don’t forget to include the organizations that granted you your certification so that potential employers can easily verify your credentials.

How To Write a Teaching Resume Properly?

Those applicants who decided to write their own resumes and have no teaching experience should start with their strong sides. List the qualities that can characterize you as the best candidate for a teaching position:

  • Patience;
  • Creativity;
  • Knowledge of the subject;
  • The ability to find an approach to each student;
  • Strong communication skills;
  • Organizational skills.

The construction of your resume should be the following:

  1. Heading;
  2. Objective;
  3. Skills;
  4. Work experience (if any);
  5. Education;
  6. Certification (if any);
  7. Personal information.

Beside the heading, which includes your name, address, and contact information, your resume should contain an objective statement. In one or two sentences describe your goals as a teacher.

The next section is Skills. Here you need to list all the qualities that can help you succeed in the teaching profession. If you have work experience related to teaching, mention it in the following section. If not, skip it and proceed to education. Here you should list all the degrees and certificates you have received that are relevant to teaching.

The last section is Personal information. Here you can list your hobbies and interests that are not related to teaching but can still be useful for the employer.

If you have no experience in teaching, don’t despair. Use your resume to highlight all the qualities that make you a good candidate for the job. With a little effort, you will definitely get the position you want.

Useful Tips For Those Who Have Teaching Experience

If you are an experienced teacher, your resume should demonstrate all your professional achievements. Start with listing your current or most recent position and then proceed to the previous ones. For each job, mention the name of the school, its location, dates of employment, and your title. In the next section, describe your duties and responsibilities in each position.

After listing your work experience, proceed to education. Here you need to include all the degrees and certificates you have received that are relevant to teaching. The last section of your resume is Personal information. In this section, you can list your hobbies and interests that are not related to teaching but can still be useful for the employer.

If you have several years of teaching experience, your resume may be quite long. Try to focus on the most recent positions and duties and omit the earlier ones. This will help the employer understand your current level of expertise and will prevent them from getting overwhelmed by too much information.


A teaching resume is a document that contains all the necessary information about your education, work experience, and personal qualities that can help you succeed in the teaching profession. If you have no experience in teaching, don’t despair. Use your resume to highlight all the qualities that make you a good candidate for the job. With a little effort, you will definitely get the position you want.

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